Our Strategy
Cokyasar Wire Industries, one of the companies of Çokyaşar Holding, took its place in the metal and iron and steel sector in 2020.
Our company, which is among the leading industrial organizations in Europe in steel wire production, has adopted the principles of corporate governance, sustainability and innovation with the aim of providing quality and reliable service to its customers.
CWI produces at high standards in its modern facilities and aims to strengthen its identity and pioneering role as a reliable business partner in the metal and iron-steel sector by establishing strong collaborations and partnerships in the world.

The Focus of Our Long-term Strategy
Digital Transformation and Innovation
Uncompromising Approach to Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment
Climate Crisis and Environmental Awareness, Circular Economy
Strong Financial Performance, Integrated Risk Management Processes
Talent Management Based on Equality, Diversity and Social Contribution Principles
Strong Collaborations and Partnerships Established in Türkiye and Abroad